The Seven Sisters - Pleiades

Located about 444 light years from earth, in the constellation of Taurus, the Pleiades are among the closest star clusters to our sun and probably the most obvious one in the night sky, clearly visible to the naked eye and a great sight through binoculars.
The cluster is visually dominated by seven hot blue stars, formed within the last 100 million years, moving together through a dust cloud in the interstellar medium, thus causing the famous blue reflection nebulae around them.
It’s estimated that the cluster will probably survive for about another 250 million years, after which it will disperse due to gravitational interactions with its galactic neighborhood.
- Scope: Askar 103APO
- Lens: Askar 0.6x Reducer
- Camera: Canon EOS 6Da
- Filter: Antlia TriBand RGB Ultra
- Mount: Skywatcher AZ-EQ5 GT
- Guiding: Svbony SV165 Guide Scope with ZWO ASI 224MC
- Controller: ZWO ASIAir Pro
- Exposure Time: 6hrs 20min
- M45 (The Pleiades)
- NGC 1432 (Maia Nebula)
- NGC 1435 (Merope Nebula)
- IC 353
- IC 341
- IC 349