h Persei and chi Persei Clusters

The h Persei (NGC 869) and chi Persei (NGC 884) clusters in the center of my image are two open star clusters in the constellation Perseus. Located at 7460 and 7640 light years from earth, both are about 14 million years olf.
The double cluster, first recorded by Hipparchus in the antique, is easily visible with the naked eye and a great sight with even low magnification.
- Scope: Askar 103APO
- Lens: Askar 0.6x Reducer
- Camera: Canon EOS 6Da
- Filter: Antlia TriBand RGB Ultra
- Mount: Skywatcher AZ-EQ5 GT
- Guiding: Svbony SV165 Guide Scope with ZWO ASI 224MC
- Controller: ZWO ASIAir Pro
- Exposure Time: 2hrs 30min
- 5 Per
- 7 Per (Misam al Thurayya)
- 8 Per
- 9 Per
- 10 Per
- NGC 869 (h Persei Cluster)
- NGC 884 (chi Persei Cluster)
- NGC 957